Volume 3, Issue 1 (2018)
Research articles
Sub-chronic ascorbic acid supplementation accelerates reduction of liver cadmium levels in broiler chicken
Ramzi Shawahna, Ahed Zyoud, Mohammad Makhlof, Bilal Abu Hilal, Saba Hameedi, Omnia Sawafta, Ruba Imad, Amani Su'bi, and Hikmat S. Hilal
Illness Perception in Patients with Thalassemia in Nablus, Palestine: A Pilot study
Ansam Sawalha, Dina Jodeh, Fatima Helo, and Waleed M. Sweileh
Evaluation of Compliance to Infection Control Protocols in the Governmental Hospitals in the West Bank/Palestine
Rowa' Al-Ramahi, Abdelnaser Zaid, Abdullah Hindi, and Abdulqader N'an'a
Knowledge and attitude toward genetic counseling and testing among parents of children with genetic disorder in the West Bank/ Palestine
Eman Alshawish and Falesteen Yaseen
Assessment of Dissolution Performance of Immediate Release Ibuprofen Products:Screening of Products Available on the Palestinian Market
Naser Shraim, Tasneem Hamawi, Sawsan Hummaid, Bara'ah Adeli, Asma Radwan, and Fairouz Abu Shaikha